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Volume 12,Issue 2, August, 2004 | ||||||||
| This is the on-line version of Gospel Peacemaking This on-line version of Gospel Peacemaking,the newsletter for Bay Area Pax Christi, a member of Pax Christi, U.S.A., The Catholic Peace and Non-violence Movement, serving Northern California, contains essentially the same content, although presented in a different format, as the printed version published periodically. In this Edition
Articles to submit If you have articles that you would like submitted, please send them by email to Stan Taylor at stanleyt@pacbell.net, or by snail mail to Stan Taylor, 421 Sautner Dr., San Jose, CA 95123. Calendar items Please email calendar items to Stan Taylor
Home Page| On Line Newsletter| Election Prophets | Pax Christi National/International Meetings | Mev Puleo Scholarships | Working Against the Death Penalty |
Date Last Modified: 8/21/04